To Kill A Mocking Bird

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

What is "To Kill A Mocking Bird" about ?

This book is about a family  of three, Jean Louise Finch (nicknamed Scout), older brother name jeremy (nicknamed Jem) and their father Atticus who work as a middle-aged lawyer.


There is a mysterious men in there country called "Boo" . No one in the country or neighbourhood dares to talk to him. till a court case in town that was about this women ,Mayella and this men, Tom.


Mayella acused Tom of raping her and Atticus was the one who was in charge of the case was hated by the citizens. Jem and Scout befriend a boy named "Dill". Scout, Dill and Jem was bullied by other children either by calling them names or judging them.


Which character do i like ?

Scout was my favourite character.  She is very protective of her family and her friends. One time a group of bullies came up to Tom and her father and Scout, Jem and Dill was there.

  • Scout stop the fight and told them to view her father and Tom perspective.


Character list :

1. Jemn Louise Finch (nicknamed Scout)

Age : 6 year old

Lives together with : Older brother and widowed father

2.Jeremy (nicknamed Jem)

3. Father Atticus

Job : Middle-age Lawyer

4. Dill (a boy in town)

5. Mysterious men "Boo"